Experienced Dog Behaviorist. Facilitating an Understanding Between Canine and Human.
This is my PASSION.
I welcome you and your dogs as part of my dog training FAMILY.
I started my journey as a dog behaviorist and trainer in 1998. My first dog, Rocky, was a Shepherd/Collie mix and he is the reason I became a dog behaviorist. When he hit teenagehood I had to call in a professional behaviorist/trainer. During one of the training sessions the trainer asked if I had ever considered becoming a dog trainer. When I was a child I wanted to be a vet, but abandoned the idea when I thought about having to euthanize dogs. Dog training and behavior seemed like a natural fit. My training to become a behaviorist and training expert was via apprenticeship. To this day I am grateful that Rocky led me down this path.
Dog behavior and training is not just a job for me, it is my passion. I take time with my clients and don’t rush them with an hourly fee. I truly believe once you start training with me, you are part of my dog training family. Your dogs become like my dogs and are treated that way. I work with the dog as a whole, meaning what a dog eats, its environment, physical, and mental needs all play a role in training. Plus, I am a practical behaviorist who takes into consideration your family’s schedule as well.
Community Involvement
Community involvement is another joy for me – whether it is teaching dog safety to children or working with organizations that help rescue dogs find permanent, loving homes. If I can educate people about dogs and further communication between dogs and humans, I am in my glory.

Meet Gina’s Dogs
Friends Fur-ever
Looking For A Professional?
My experience and practical training style will get you results!